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Arts & Culture Auxiliary (AMEF)
Please attend the AMEF meeting | Saturday, 5/11/2019 @ 9am.... as we will formally make a motion to obtain an AΦA Umbrella license... remember the following below:
Breakfast will be served!

An Umbrella License to produce such articles will be issued to AMEF Fundraising Committee and governed, in part, by An Arts & Culture Auxiliary/Committee formed under the Fundraising Committee. 
If you agree to be apart of this effort, You, among other brothers will help govern the use of these fraternity symbols in addition to the following:
  • Agree to all terms and conditions for this effort
  • Sell items at a profit while selling items for charity
  • Develop Arts & Cultural programming at the Facility
  • Execute Fundraising events around arts, crafts, etc.
  • No circumventing the established process. (no selling away).
  • Help build the morale of the Chapter and Community at Large.
  • Have Fun!
Event Date 05-11-2019 9:00 am
Event End Date 05-11-2019 11:00 am
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free
Created By Bobby Peters

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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